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laboratory efficiency assessment frameowrk

LEAF is an innovative new tool designed to facilitate and drive improvements in laboratory efficiency. Users complete a set of criteria to sequentially achieve a Bronze, Silver or Gold standard, and in the process see their carbon and financial savings as they progress. 


Developed by Martin Farley (Sustainability Labs Advisor - UCL), the framework is currently in its pilot stage for 2018/19, involving over 15 national HEIs, including LSHTM. Unlike Green Impact, LEAF is solely focused on labs, and its criteria has been specially selected to cover not just environmental aspects (e.g. waste management, procurement, equipment efficiency, chemical management etc.) but also target research quality, addressing the international issues surrounding the 'reproducibility crisis'. 


LSHTM lab teams will be commencing their LEAF projects beginning 2019 and finalising their first round of actions by May/June.


This page will be populated with useful resources, case studies, and guidance as teams progress through LEAF. 


If you would like to find out more please contact Marianna Muszynska (Sustainability Officer) - 


Bloomsbury Colleges Group, Keppel Street, WC1E 7HT, London

Tel: 020 7927 2762

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