About Us
Birkbeck, SOAS and London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine have a joint sustainability team dedicated to enhancing environmental improvements across the three partners. The team is funded by the three partners and the budget is agreed on an annual basis based on the projects under development and other marketing, awareness raising and training needs. The sustainability budget is stable and the partners ensure that it contributes to enhancing improvements across the institutions. In addition to this, the partners ensure that they allocate budgets to their estates and maintenance teams for sustainability projects, i.e. the carbon management plan implementation.

Ola Bankole
FT Head of Sustainability
Ola is the Head of Sustainability for the institutions' environmental activities, programmes, and overarching Environmental Management System. He is the main point of contact (internal and external) for environmental issues, and leads the Bloomsbury Colleges' sustainability agenda.
Contact: o.bankole@bbk.ac.uk or ola.bankole@lshtm.ac.uk / 020 7927 2769

Sian Reilly
FT Sustainability Officer
​Sian supports the Head of Sustainability in implementing the college's Environmental Management System, As well as delivering key projects aligning to energy and resource efficiency and managing student / staff / visitor engagement activities and communications across the Bloomsbury Colleges.
(+44) 771 308 8400

Stephen Mckinnell
FT Head of Energy Management
​Head of Energy Management, CHP Manager and Coordinator for Bloomsbury energy improvements., Stephen is the main point of contact for energy issues. He oversees CHP management and is authorised to amend procedures related to the CHP consequent on organisational changes.
Contact: sm124@soas.ac.uk / 020 7898 4846
Environment Board
Jossette Leigh - Birkbeck Director of Facilities
John Starmer - London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Director of Estates
Rychard Scrase-Field - SOAS Director of Estates and Facilities​
Graeme Appleby - SOAS, Deputy Chief Operating Officer
Matt Lee - LSHTM, Chief Operating Officer
Keith Harrison - Birkbeck, College Secretary
Dr Roslyn Taplin - SOAS, Senior Fellow Environmental Management
Professor Paul Wilkinson - LSHTM, Professor of Environmental Epidemiology
Professor Anthony Bale - Birkbeck, Deadn School of Arts
Sustainability Groups
Each institution also has a sustainability group consisting of professional and academic staff. The purpose of these groups is to enable the implementation of sustainability projects across departments and facilitate the work of the sustainability team. If you are interested in becoming members of the groups contact Josh or Ola.